Invest in Bucks token and Earn Passive Income.

Just by holding Bucks, Earn USDC  daily based on the Volume. Rewards of 9% are distributed to holders automatically.

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Diam vestibulum tristique non purus velit dictum vel aliquam id egestas odio tortor volutpat nulla varius aliquam vulputate commodo mus volutpat pretium, quam hendrerit enim aliquam nisl imperdiet vivamus a, consectetur venenatis vivamus quam in vulputate lacus, lacus nec bibendum.

Token Details


Introducing Bucks token

Passive income made easy.

With a higher yield than other rewards token, holding bucks has a higher incentive as more rewards are generated and distributed.

Anyone can invest in Bucks through Trust Wallet, Metamask or other wallets supporting in-browser and  dex pancake swap.


Better than Banks

Annualized returns better than banks

Auto Earn

No need to claim or stake, just hold and earn.

Track your Investment

Easily check your current value from your Wallet.

Dedicated Team

We work hard to ensure a steady passive income through marketing and new upcoming utilities.

Easy and Secure

Be the only one in control of what you hold.


Defi Protocol to adapt to a new world of financial gains.

Join the community.

The first step to success is taking action, join us now on the quest towards financial freedom.

Please read into all the particulars about the project before investing and most importantly never invest more than you can afford to lose.

To learn more, join us on our group or drop us a query on support mail.